What We Do
Making students aware of benefits of travelling by foot or using public transport is something Belvue prides itself on. We understand the importance travel has on the environment, the safety of ourselves and others in the community and finally the positive impact active travel had on our Mental and physical wellbeing.
How does Belvue provide opportunities to explore the Benefits of Active Travel.
Through a cross curricular approach students are provided with opportunities to increase their knowledge and experiences. PSHE, PE and Life skills directly look at the importance of movement on our health, how to be safe when travelling in the community and how to behave appropriately when using public transport. Other subjects including outdoor learning and work experience create practical situations for students to transfer the skills into a practical experience.
Further exploration is offered outside the classroom from bikes available at break times to ride in the playground using a purpose built route with crossing, to travelling by public transport on school trips when possible.
As part of Belvues’ commitment to this matter we are also involved in the TFL stars scheme and work in partnership with Essex County Council to offer travel training to support students independence in travel. For further information on these please look below.
Travel Training
Travel Training aims to teach young people with a learning or physical disability to travel independently to school on public transport. This scheme is offered by Essex county Council. Due to the global pandemic Travel training has been put on hold. Travel training programmes are due to begin within school hours from October 2021.
Independent travel is an important life skill which all young people should have the opportunity to learn. Throughout the travel training programme, students are supported to gain the skills and confidence to be able to travel safely. By the end of the training our students are always very proud of their achievements!
To find our more information click on this link. Apply for Travel Training (travel-training.co.uk)
STARS – Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe
STARS is TfL's accreditation scheme for London schools and nurseries. STARS inspires young Londoners to travel to school sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely by championing walking, scooting and cycling.
STARS supports pupils' wellbeing, helps to reduce congestion at the school gates and improve road safety and air quality.
Belvue were awarded Gold in 2018, which we are presently working to maintain. Through this scheme we are able to participate in National schemes including; the big Pedal, walk to school week. Some activities will be delivered by external professionals and others activities will be explored across the curricular as part of the curriculum, this maybe in PE, PSHE and other subjects. Parents and guardians will receive during the year information on how you can be involved in some of these event and/or how you can support at home.
In light of the current lockdown this year is more limited but we hope going forward we will be able to run more workshops, events etc. from September 2021, so keep an eye on this page for further information on upcoming events!