School Council
The school council is an important feature empowering students to discuss and influence current issues oconcerning the school environment, community and culture. Representatives from each house group are elected and represent their groups in a parliment style forum.
Pupil Surveys
Students participate in several surveys throughout the year to find out their views and feedback on important issues and school life. An annual survey specific to the student and their studies and support is undertaken as part of the Annual Review process. A second annual survey undertaken by all students at the same time in the year is used to find out how students feel about school in general and areas for improvement and investment in the future. This years survey took place in June 2015 and the results were extremely positive. Students do enjoy being at Belvue very much, they know where to go to for support and they have very firm ideas about what they enjoy and what the school should spend its money on in the future. Read the results and feedback summary below..