Parents/Carers Information and Current Letters
For information about admissions to the school please visit the ADMISSIONS PAGE
For information about support for your child and referrals to any of the support services please see the THERAPY SERVICES AND REFERRALS PAGE
All students have a school diary. These are for the use of parents/carers and staff to share useful information on a weekly or daily basis, dependent on the individual needs of each student. The diary keeps a record of the student's weekly targets for behaviour and learning. It also records merit points and house points for parents to follow when their child has made excellent effort at school. The vertical tutor is the key contact for your child so if you would like to speak in more detail about any issues please leave a note in the diary for the tutor to call you. Alternatively please contact the school office on 0208 845 5766 or at who will be happy to provide you with any practical information required or make contact with the appropriate member of staff for you.
All key dates including half terms, early and late finishes are on the CALENDAR DATES PAGE
Food banks and distribution – a reminder to families that Ealing Families Directory provides full details of local food banks, distribution services and food bank collections
Ealing Together, is a coalition of community groups, charities, businesses and Ealing Council, which has been supporting local people who are vulnerable, self-isolating and shielding. Since it launched in late March, it has distributed more than 4000 food parcels.
They have recently expanded the website to include a new community support directory. The directory offers services that are not available through the formal Ealing Together route, such as hot meal delivery and dog walking.
Anyone can use the directory, whether they have a formal referral to Ealing Together or not.
Ealing Together has a new online directory listing support that is in addition to the help available through the formal Ealing Together referral route: (link is external)